June 22, 2010

Opals Lament

OKAY this is on youtube as well, LilScourge is the channel name, and anyways, it is about, Opal, my character, Trying to cope with Scourge being dead! Scourge and Firestar are ErinHunters,
Tiger is Tygrahin's
Blood is Adiasky's
Spots is Dandred's

someone gimme some ideas for next vid....? thats bout it....

June 14, 2010


OKAY this is the LAST FLIPPIN TIME im re-making Opal!!!!! this is opalEYES, she is a medicine cat in training, mentor is HolySpots, she is blind, which is why she is opaleyes, she is as beautiful as opals as well as her eyes are smokey like opals ^.^ im so good at thinking of character stuff! anyways she is a bit hot-headed like JayFeather, but loveable, hehe