July 20, 2010

Voice Actors

OKAY, I need VOICE ACTORS! for a new vid im doing, it will be the first part of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Explorers of Sky!
Anyonomous and Koffing are for sure, dudes
LOL others are chiks, there is one other character who is a shinx, that is me hehehe cuz thats the toon i play on the video game anyways.
rest of the rules are in the vid. make SURE to watch it.
i need to figure out how to do a link to the script =O
hehehe i might just copy/paste it all here, so if this is long, yea..thats not really my problem >=D

SCRIPT-Y!! Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Lost at Sea Episode 1
Setting: Beach near the main land
Shinx: Oh my god… where… where am I?
*shinx tries to sit up*
Shinx: I cant… Drifting off…
Rilou: hmmm…
*rilou paces back and forth*
Rilou: no, I refuse to be paralyzed by this any longer! This is it, I have to do it today…
Anonymous: Pokemon Detected Pokemon Detected!
Anyonomous2: Whose footprint? Whose footprint?
Anonymous: The print is Rilous! The print is Rilous!
Rilou: Holy Crap! That was weird… **sigh** …I cant… I cant do it even this time… I thought today would be it but…
*takes out relic fragment*
I thought this would help me. Inspire me… **sigh** I just cant get it. I’m such a scardy cat… this sucks
*walks off*
Koffing: Hey Zubat. Did you see that?
Zubat: yea I did…
Koffing that thing that was pacing around.. had something of value right?
Zubat It had something that’s for sure… It looked like a thing of treasure
Koffing do we go after it?
Zubat we do
*Nods and walks off towards beach*
*Rilou walks onto beach with all the crabby are blowing bubbles*
Rilou wow, that’s something u don’t see a lot…
Rilou when the weathers good the crabby come out at sundown to blow bubbles… All the bubbles in the sunrays off the waves… Its always Beautiful.
Rilou ………… this is always where I go when I feel sorry for myself. It always makes me better to come here
Rilou Hey… who’s that? What’s going on? Oh my god! Someone’s washed up!
What happened?! Are u okay??
Shinx ………………… wha…
**Sits up finally**
Rilou Your Awake! That’s good ^^
**looks around**
Shinx: where, where am i……?
Rilou: You weren’t moving at all. I thought u had drowned! Do you rember what happened?
Shinx I… I had drowned…? What happened…?
Rilou: well I’m **insert whatever ur name wants to be here** Glad to meet u!
And who are you? Ive never seen you here before… What? You say you’re a human? You Look like a normal Shinx to me!
Shinx: wait, WHAT?! I’m a SHINX?? Holy crap!!... but, how? I don’t remember anything…
Rilou your.. really freaking me out… Are u pulling a trick on me?
**nods no very quickly**
Rilou your telling me the truth? All right then, whats your name? u gotta remember that!
Shinx My name? o yea my name is Opal
Rilou Opal? Nice. Well u don’t seem to be bad atleast…
Rilou sorry! More and more evil pokemon keep turning up recently. Many are very aggressive. Things have grown a bit lawless
**koffing and Zubat walk up and push Rilou into Shinx**
Rilou Hey! What was that for!
Koffing, Well sorry.
Rilou why’d u do that?!
Zubat *cackles* cant figure it out? We want to mess with u! cant face us either I suppose…
Rilou What?!
Zubat that’s yours isn’t it?
Rilou No! that’s..!
Zubat Sorry kid, we’ll take that!
Rilou **glares**
Koffing you aren’t gonna try to take it back? Whats the matter? Scardy Cat…
C’mon lets go…
Zubat See you around, chicken. Hehehe
**zubat and koffing walk off**
Rilou, oh god… what should we do…? That thing means everything to me… If I Lose that…. No, we have to go get it! Can u help me…?
Shinx i… I guess…
Rilou Oh you will? Thank you thank you thank you! Lets go, quickly now!
**runs off after koffing**
**arrives at Koffing and Zubat**
Rilou Hey!
Koffing well well… if it isn’t the scardy cat…
Rilou **gulp**
Rilou Gimme back my Relic Fragment!! Its mine and it means everything to me!!
Zubat Treasure u say? May be it is worth something after all. We’ll have to sell it
Koffing all the more reason to keep it
Rilou What?!
Zubat: u want it that badly….? Come and get it… hehehe
**face off**
Koffing: what the…
Zubat: holy crap…?
Together Fine! Take it!
Zubat aren’t u so lucky? That was a one time deal!
Koffing Next time we wont go so easy…
**both run off**
Rilou: oh my god, we got it back I know it looks like nothing, but it means the world to me See?
**looks down at the relic fragment**
Rilou okay, lets get outta here
Shinx Agreed
** back at the beach**
This is what the stole… I call it my relic fragment Its my one treasure… Ive always like Legends and lore I love to hear stories from the past, don’t u feel the same?
Shinx suuuuure…
Rilou hidden treasure and strange relics. And history! Wouldn’t it be nice to make a historic discovery? That’s what I dream of… So I tried to join a guild to train u to do that stuff. But I backed out…
Rilou: so what are you going to do Opal? You lost your memory and somehow a pokemon, do you have anywhere to go? Or do you think you could come join a team with me…
Shinx oh my god! What do I do?? Im getting recruited outta no where!! I don’t know what one is, but maybe I should go…
**nods yes**
Rilou Oh you will? Ooo thank you so much! We will be the best Exploration Team out there!!
**ends with them walking off**